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Video Production Services at Pixel Planet Studios
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Anthony Carabotta

Education / Training:
Fav Word:
5-min Lesson:
Video Ninja aka Director
Miami University, Zoology & English (see more below)
Pizza (yes, I know this question wasn’t favorite food)
How to shoot better video on iPhone

Hi! I’m Anthony Carabotta, the co-founder of Pixel Planet Studios. These days, you’ll most often find me directing live action content, conceptualizing/scripting/planning videos, or at my desk editing and coloring footage.  

To be honest, all you really need to know about me is that I love Jurassic Park. It’s informed most of my life decisions, and my deep affinity for the Jeep brand (what a stellar ROI move on their part!). It’s one of the reasons I got a degree in Zoology from Miami University with a focus on bioinformatics (think genetics + computers), and while I’d love to say that I could discuss CpG island methylation, or the merits of the Smith-Waterman algorithm, most of that information has long been overwritten in my brain with frame rates, camera composition techniques, storytelling fundamentals, and Adobe software shortcuts.


So, how did I end up in video production? Great question. My Dad was kind enough to part ways with a crisp $20 bill, and bought me a VHS-C camera at a flea market when I was eight. A lot of my early videos involved Star Wars (because lightsabers are awesome) or comedy.  When I graduated college, I began my career of making videos for corporate clients. I learned all of the production roles along the way, transitioning into a dual-purpose Director/Director of Photography.

When I’m not working, my time is spent with my family. I’m a content sponge, and am exposed to dangerously high levels of TV, YouTube, and movies. But hey, the inspiration has to come from somewhere! I’m also an avid reader and have a secret love of writing that my eighth grade teachers would find hard to believe. I frequently bounce between music genres on a whim, and often get criticized by my “cool” friends for my indulgence of Pop music. I’d argue that Pop artists have some of the best production in the world and should be studied in the same way blockbuster films have the best visual effects. Neither win many awards, but they sure do sell. Plus, most advertising is about resonating with the masses, and what is more massive and broadly appealing than a Pop hit? 

Anyway, if we’re ever on set together some day, I’m happy to have a lengthy lunchtime discussion about Pop music, why a TV show’s duration provides them an exponential advantage over films (and has forced studios into a trilogy model), Apple’s SoC ambitions, or the future of EV vehicles!

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