As we start another year of kick-ass videos, I wanted to look at our current and future eco-friendly initiatives. Operating a video production studio doesn’t deal with as much material as manufacturing or processing companies, but we still have waste to manage.
Our Eco-Present
Our primary consumption is power. We have several workstations, lights, and equipment that all use electricity, and during peak operation, quite a lot of it. To maintain energy efficiency, we rely on 80 plus-platinum and titanium power supplies which limit excess power draw. We install LED light bulbs in the office to lower wattage used and turn off non-essential equipment while not in use.
The remaining areas of waste at our office include food and shipping materials. Any recyclable materials are collected and taken home by employees to be added to their collections. Our food waste is collected at the office and graciously taken for composting by our office-mate Brian (the real hero here!).
Dreaming Green
Electric Fleet! No, we probably won’t need a fleet of vehicles or even vehicles plural. BUT, when the day comes that we need to own a production vehicle, we’d like it to be fully electric. Plus, in hopes that the popularity of electric vehicles continues to grow, we can add electric charging stations to our parking lot (or Pixel Planet Campus 😄).
Wouldn’t it be cool if we had solar panels and small wind generators on our roof!? We certainly think so. If the day arrives that we can own or construct our own building, we’d like to generate all or most of our electric consumption on site. We know there are solar plans in Cleveland, and our plan is to join the list.
That is a brief look at our green initiatives, current, and future, and how we want to be an environmentally-conscious partner for our video partners.
FX Jedi